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We are always looking for help. This page will show how to become involved with the Cloverdale Fire District.

How to Help

What does it mean to be a volunteer firefighter ?

For some it is a way to give back to their communities, others it’s a way to move into a paid job and for others it starts off as a way to meet friends and interact with a group of individuals who are motivated to come together to help one another. It's responding at all hours of the night and day to any number of emergencies. It’s the challenge of remembering how to cut a car apart or gain access to a burning home. It's seeing your fellow humans at their worst and looking to you to help them through an event that forever will be in their memory. It is something you will never regret doing.

 Prerequisites to joining the CRFPD

 18 years of age

Good physical condition

Good Mental State

Complete criminal records background check

Current Driver’s License 

Resident of the Cloverdale Rural Fire Protection District 

Firefighter Expectations

Family Support: This is the most important aspect for you and the CRFPD. When you join, so does your family. Missed family functions and events may occur as a result of this commitment. Discuss this with your family.
Employer Support: This is the next item you need to consider. Many calls occur during work hours. Although your job comes before the Fire Department, you need to discuss your commitment with your employer and discuss your availability during work hours for emergency calls. 
Time Commitment: Being a member of the CRFPD is not like belonging to other organizations. Commitment is key and often there is considerable time contributed on the members behalf. 
Completion of Fire Training: Formal courses are an important part of the training process. It is expected that a firefighter will make all attempts at taking formal training offered by the department. This training goes a long way in making the team effective and safer on a fire ground. 
Callout Availability: Obviously call availability is important. We ask that if you are available to respond, please do so. The more members we have to attend an incident the better. 
Practice Drills / meeting attendance: Drills and meetings are where you learn the most about the department and its operations. It is extremely important the drills and meetings are regularly attended. 

The Department Social Aspects

There are several social events planned by the department each year. These include Christmas parties, barbeques, family activities, "get to know you" nights, and the annual Firefighter’s Banquet. These events, while providing enjoyment for all members and their families, also help build the "team spirit" to help us to work together.


All volunteer firefighters should be professional in attitude as well as performance. Firefighting, by it’s inherit nature, is a dangerous and serious business. Because of this, it is imperative that every member of the fire department takes their position on the department seriously and professionally. After all, we are in the business of saving lives and property in our community. We don’t expect you to know everything on day one. We encourage you to ask questions if you don’t know or are unsure. We are here to support one another and help each other in any way we can.

recruitment information

Fire Department’s Role / Commitment

Training: The CRFPD provides the training required to do the job 

Equipment: The CRFPD will provide the equipment necessary to do the job 

Protective clothing: All protective clothing will be provided as necessary. 

Worker’s Compensation: All CRFPD personnel are covered by WC insurance while at a fire department training session, fire call or public education function. 

Accident insurance: Accidental death and dismemberment insurance is provided to all department members. 

Communications: Fire Department pagers are provided to all members. 

Cloverdale Fire District * 67433Cloverdale Rd. Sisters, OR 97759
Office: 541-389-2345 Burning Information: 541-548-4815